Driving change in the organization
In Commerzbank's corporate customer business, a new cooperation between corporate customer advisors and risk management staff was established. We accompanied the change management. The aim was to bring about change in action and thinking!
Commerzbank AG
Change workshops
Change communication
Key visuals
Print Design
Presentation Design
Training Content Design
The focus was not on concrete process changes, but on a common understanding and a change in behaviour in day-to-day collaboration. First, we conducted interviews with sounding partners and project participants, in which risks, problems, opportunities and expectations of the new role distribution were elaborated.
MASCARA processed the findings into a story that described the new start from the employees' perspective in a comprehensible and positive way. This visualized story was the basis for the rollout of the project to 1,500 employees.
Managers were trained as change agents and received a practical workshop toolbox for the rollout in their departments. On the technical level, employees were trained as multipliers and each employee received a compact handout with all relevant information.
When we decided on MASCARA, the project was in a hot phase for the planning rollout and we were looking for a flexible and fast delivering agency for our change communication. Creative, bubbling with ideas, while internalizing Commerzbank's corporate design, flexible and fast, short distances and always with personal commitment and presence on-site: That was how working with Ms Müller was. Your service is characterized by quality and speed in delivery, although adjustments were still possible until shortly before the end. And still sustainability: For example, the COMET branch pocket guide is still used today and has already been copied for other project rollouts because it is handy and at hand in the workplace.
Thomas Schmidt
Head of Process Management Commerzbank AG