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Landing page for a product launch

schaffer-mobil turned to us with its new business idea. The new service should offer long-term rentals for motorhomes. The idea was to rent instead of buy. MASCARA has made it possible to bring this idea and vision to reality.


schaffer-mobil GmbH

  • positioning

  • Web design

  • Content design

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-25 um
Produkteinführung erfolgreich werben

To create the content, we have collected information in advance and evaluated, compact structure later on customer issues. Our goal: The website should answer the most important questions of those interested little by little. Experience caravanning carefree now:


According to this motto, the landing page explains which possibilities the new service from schaffer-mobil opens up for customers and makes it easy for interested parties to find the right solution. The visual language is direct and lively and turns the landing page into a brand experience.

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